On the 23rd of February 2011, 38-year-old Esra Uyrun leaves her home in Clondalkin, Dublin, Ireland in the small family car. It’s around 7.20 am and she has told her husband Ozgur that she is just popping out briefly to pick up milk and some bits and pieces for the day at the local early-opening shop in nearby Nielstown.
Her husband is busy getting ready for work and looking after their two and a half year old son. He has decided to visit the gym today and will take the car that day. Most often, Esra takes him to work in and picks him up when he finishes later in the day.
It’s cool and cloudy and Esra wants to make sure she has everything and won’t have to go out without the car.
The couple have been living in Dublin for almost four years since Ozgur secured a better paid job and they moved to Ireland from London.
Originally, both are of Turkish heritage and met in the UK. That’s where their families still live.
Esra Uyrun was born into a Turkish family in London in 1972. When she lived in London, she worked for a time in a pathology lab in a hospital and it was there that she met her future husband Ozgur. By the time they had moved to Dublin to start a new life, both worked for Sporting Bet in Parkwest, not far from Clondalkin.
By 2008, the couple were looking forward to the birth of their first child. They decided that now Ozgur was in a better job, Esra would become a stay-at-home mum.
But on February 23rd, 2011, Esra told her husband she was just driving to the local shop in Neilstown, just minutes away, and would be back very shortly to give him the car so he could get to work.
Esra vanished that day and after 12 years has never been seen since.
Join Ciaran and I as we take a closer look at this case.
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