Michael Glynn, retired Qantas captain, joins Radio Espial presenter Mick Rooney as we approach the 6th year remembrance to discuss aviation and the latest news on missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. What are the plausible possibilities and how has the media (mainstream and social) dealt with the case?
Dan Foley and Maurice ‘Moss’ Moore were neighbours and friends in Reamore, about 26 kilometres from Listowel Town, County Kerry, Ireland. Moore was 12 years younger, a bachelor living alone with two dogs for company; Foley lived with his wife and her brother. Their houses were separated by just 90 metres. As farmers with small holdings in a tight-knit community, they worked together cutting turf and harvesting hay. The pair would meet daily at the local creamery and also played cards with each other in the evenings with other friends. Dan Foley worried his cattle were wandering away from his house towards the bog, and concerned about welfare of his livestock on such ground, he put down a boundary fence along the sliver of land between his land and Moore’s. However, Moore felt the fence was encroaching on his land so he decided to moved it. Foley, likewise, moved it straight back to where he had first placed it. Moore eventually took a court action so the fence would be moved back indef...
What we know is there has been no luggage, no bodies, no debri field, no rubbish, no oil slick, we have no distress calls, no black box, no crash landing site, we had dozens of military radars that couldn't identify the plane, we have propaganda being said about 2 passengers on board supposedly Iranian and seeking asylum in russia via Beijing? How did they know the passports were stolen and how did they know they were Iranian so quickly? Why go to China if your trying to get to Russia? And lastly why don't we have any closure my dads friend was on that plane. All we really know is someone or someones have meticulously and effectively destroyed or taken this plane and the investigation into it's whereabouts was just a smokescreen and millions weren't used in finding it.